Question: What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is part of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine),
wherein sterile, disposable, very fine (hair-thin) needles are inserted into
various acupuncture points (there are more than 365 points over meridians or
channels (14 regular meridians) that span over entire body for about 20-30
minutes after tongue and pulse diagnosis to treat various acute and chronic
diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, migraines, back pain, knee
pain, neck pain, spondylosis, slip disc, asthma, blindness, paralysis,
headaches, IBS, psoriasis, allergies, hair falls, myopia, etc.
Acupuncture is holistic health care therapy, which is 100%
natural without any side effects, that is used to relieve various pains, treat
internal Zang-fu organs (such as liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, spleen, large
intestines, etc.) in case of organ failure or chronic diseases, balance yin and
yang, excess v/s deficiency, and to treat external and internal disease-causing
Question: Is Acupuncture Safe and Effective?
Answer: It is 100% safe if it is performed by medical
professionals (such MBBS, BDS, BNYS, BYMS) with additional qualifications in
acupuncture for at least 4 years (MD Acu, D.Acu, B.Acu) by BSS-Authorised
training centres. Yes, acupuncture is very effective natural holistic
care for various incurable acute and chronic diseases including kidney failure,
liver cirrhosis, blindness, spine and disc bulge/slip disc/herniated discs,
various pains, etc.
Question: What Acupuncture can treat?
Answer: Acupuncture/acupressure or laser acupuncture is very
effective for all pains (migraines, knee pain, back pain, neck pain, shoulder
pain, body pain) that gives instant pain relief with complete cure. Acupuncture
also works great for kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, paralysis, fits,
blindness, tinnitus/deafness, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, psoriasis,
asthma, COPD, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis/slip disc or bulged disc. WHO
study has proved that acupuncture works great for 144 diseases.
Question: Is Acupuncture painful, does needles heart?
Answer: Acupuncture is NOT painful if patient takes treatment
from highly qualified and experienced acupuncturists (such as Dr Rudresh, who
has both allopathy and acupuncture qualifications with 21 years of experience).
Good acupuncturists know how to insert needles at right point (which are holes
where there is no artery/nerve/vein) with gentle insertion and manipulation, it
is painless. Also acupuncture needles are very thin (eg. 0.35 mm) like hairs
compared to syringe needles, which are painful.
Q: What are Timings of AcuSTAR Acupuncture Clinic
A: Morning 8 AM to 2 pm and 5 pm to 10 pm
Q: Can AcuSTAR Wellness treat or Cure Diabetes Permanently?
A: Yes, AcuSTAR Diabetes Cure Clinic is only clinic in
Bangalore, which cures diabetes permanently using acupuncture, Functional
medicine, nutrition, and mind-body therapy. You can check sugar level before
and after treatments and can see reduction in sugar levels 30 to 150 mg/dL. Dr
Rudresh not only treats high sugar levels but also treated its root causes of
diabetes and its complications.
Q: Where AcuSTAR Wellness Acupuncture is located?
A: AcuSTAR Wellness is located in Nagarabhavi and its sorrounding
locations like Chandra layout, Magadi Road, Sukadakatte, Kengeri Satellite
town/Upanagar, Basaveshwara Nagar, Vijayanagar, Gandhinagar, Annapurneshwari
Nagar, Rajajaniagar, Rajarajewshari Nagar can patients easily travel and locate
AcuSTAR Acupuncture Clinic near me in Google.
Q: I Want to take acupuncture treatment but have fear of needles
A: Do not worry, at AcuSTAR Wellness clinic, Dr Rudresh uses
medical-grade safe-laser needles (laser acupuncture in Bangalore), which have
zero pain and are very safe.
Q: Do you re-use needles, are they sterile, can I get infection?
Answer: We use sterile, one-time disposable needles as per WHO
standards. We open needles from new, sterile pack in front of you and dispose
them. As needles are NEVER RE-USED, they are very safe. No, you DO NOT GET any
infections like HIV, hepatitis, coronavirus, etc.
Question: Does needle insertion hurts or causes pain?
Answer: Acupuncture needles are hair-thin needles, which are 1/18th of regular
injection needles coupled with highly skilled needling techniques into
acupuncture points (gap between anatomic structures) can make it pain-less
procedures. In fact, needling reduces pain in 3-5 minutes in many patients.
Q: What is Difference between acupuncture and acupressure?
A: Acupuncture involves insertion of fine, sterile
needles into various acupuncture points over body meridians by qualified and
experienced acupuncturists. Acupressure does not involve any
needles; it includes application of pressure either by fingers or acupressure
pen or device at various points or applying seeds, left in place with a tape
that stimulate points for long time.
Q: Which is more effective? Acupuncture or Acupressure?
A: Acupressure is like targeted massage at points, which gives
temporary symptoms relief. Eg. Applying acupressure at Taiyang (migraine point)
or LI4 (pain killer point for head and face) eases pain for few hours but pain
comes back. However, qualified and experienced acupuncture doctor analysis your
pulse, tongue, internal disharmony, Qi stagnation, liver fire or yang rise, yin
vs yang, heat vs cold, 5 evils that cause diseases by history taking, physical
examination, pulse/tongue diagnosis, and then select various point combinations
based upon diagnosis and completely cures migraine in few sittings.
Q: Are acupuncturists doctors? Can they use Dr. Title before
A: No, acupuncturists are only therapists. They Cannot use Dr.
Title (illigal in India) before their names. However, many acupuncturists do
PhD and use Dr (Doctorate) before their names, which is confusing to patients.
As per current laws only medical/dental/AYUSH graduates (MBBS, BDS, BHMS, BAMS,
BNYS) can use Dr. Title before their names. Even with MD Acu, D.Acu, B.Acu
degrees, using Dr. Title is illigal in India.
Q: Is acupuncture scientific? Does it Work Actually?
A: Acupuncture has been approved by WHO and Indian Govt and is
recommended by UNESCO, US-FDA, NIH, Australian Health Commission and is
researched by NIH-US with more than 80 scientific studies or research papers
(Google Pubmed acupuncture trials)
Q: How Acupuncture works?
A: Acupuncture works by producing endo morphone, by closing pain
gate, by reducing inflammation, by improving immunity, by improving blood flow,
by relaxing mind/muscles, by reducing pain. It produces endomorphines, 5-HTP,
enkephalins, serotinins, dopamines in brain to treat many diseases, etc.
Q: How to Find Best and Qualified Acupuncturist or Acupuncture
doctor near me in Bangalore?
A: To Find Best Acupuncturist in Bangalore/Karnataka, always ask
for KPME registration number or KMA/KSDC, or Ayush registration. Only Actually
Qualified doctors with at least 5-1/2 years of medical Degree holders can
register with KPME (Karnataka Private Medical Practioners Act). Real
Doctors means they should have studied at least 5-1/2 years in actual
medical/dental/AYUSH colleges. DO NOT believe Dr. Before names if there is no
KPME registration number.
Anyone (10+2, BA/BCOM, Diploma) can do acupuncture treatments
with 2-day training. Always ask qualifications, from which medical
qualification, how many years they have studied, did they study 4-year regular
course or jut 2-day training? However, many of them have experience for decades
and are good acupuncturists.
NOTE: Always chose medically qualified doctors (such as MBBS,
BDS, BPT, BAMS, BNYT) with additional qualifications in acupuncture such as MD
Acu, D.Acu, B.Acu, M.Acu from reputed training centres (such as Bharath Seva
Samaj, Cent Govt Recognized, NDA). Please note, DO NOT believe just
acupuncture qualifications as they can be brought by money without actual
formal training in acupuncture.
Q: Is Acupuncture is better treatment compared to Allopathy,
Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani?
A: Acupuncture is 5000 years' old Holistic Natural care that not
only treats symptoms, but also treats disease and root causes of diseases.
Acupuncture treatments work in emergency (like heart attack, stroke, shock,
fainting, hypoxia, acute pain, etc.) where as Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani are
very slow. For eg. If patient has migraines, in acupuncture it takes
only 2-5 mins to relieve pain instantly compared to AYUSH, which take weeks,
months, or even years to show results.
NOTE: Acupuncture is faster than Allopathy in many conditions,
but SAFER than AYUSH. Acupuncture is very economical, effective, safe holist
healthcare for masses that treats incurable diseases such as even end-stage
cancer, kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, optic nerve atrophy blindness, ulcers,
COPD, emphysema, etc.
Compared to allopathy, acupuncture also works very fast but very
economical, simple treatments to cure symptoms, disease, and root causes.
Allopathy is very costly, unaffordable with chemical drugs that need to be
taken for life time, has severe side effects which cause new diseases.
Acupuncture saves organs such as tonsills, appendix, uterus without surgery;
whereas in Allopathy you need to undergo tonsillectomy, appendectomy,
hysterectomy, which are NOT only costly but surgery has lots of complications
and even death during surgery due to bleeding or infections or cardiac arrest.
Q: Who is best acupuncture doctor in India and Why?
A: Dr Rudresh is the best acupuncturist or acupuncture doctor as
he has allopathy qualifications, has worked for top US Hospitals as EMR editor,
has trained more than 15,000 including 5000 doctors in allopathy, also teaches
acupuncture in easy-to-understand way. Dr Rudresh specializes in SEVEN
different styles of acupunctures including Chinese TCM, scalp acupuncture, ear
/ auriculotherapy, Master Tung, Tan Balance, Korean, Japanese styles, etc. Dr
Rudresh also uses combination of acupuncture, nutrition, exercises, functional
medicine, etc., to treat whole person, disease, and root causes, not just
Dr Rudresh, AcuSTAR Wellness clinic, diagnoses your condition using various latest tools, machines, pulse, and tongue diagnosis and accurately applies minimal number of needles for instant relief of symptoms and permanent cure. Dr Rudresh has cured end-stage diabetes patients, patients with severe slip disc/spondylosis, kidney failures, liver cirrhosis, blindness, height increase, etc. Please check Youtube videos for patients' testimonials (AcuSTAR Youtube channel)
Dr. Rudresh relieves any pain that do not respond to pain
killers in just 2-5 minutes. He charges very less fees and completely cures
diseases. Dr Rudresh, best acupunturist near me in Vijayanagar, Nagarabhavi,
Jakkuru, has 21 years of experience in healthcare.
Question: How much time it takes to treat patient in one
Answer: It takes usually 20 mins, sometimes upto 45 minutes in
each sitting.
Question: How many sittings are needed?
Answer: Based upon condition, its severity, symptoms, some
conditions need one treatment, others need upto 40. Generally speaking 12
sittings are required to treat many conditions.
Question: Can acupuncture help my condition?
Answer: Certainly acupuncture can help your condition based upon
the nature of the symptoms and the disease and age of patient. An acupuncturist
can customize the treatment based upon your condition that suits your body and
your age to maximize the effect and that can relieve your symptoms as soon as
Question: Does acupuncture hurt?
Answer: Usually acupuncture doesn't hurt if it is done by an
experienced acupuncturist except a small sensation of ant bite-like pain.
Question: Are there any other methods other than inserting
needles in acupuncture treatment?
Answer: While needling is the main form of acupuncture, other
methods include cupping, moxibustion, tuina massage, passing microcurrent at
acu points as supplementary form of acupuncture.
Question: What is the cost of acupuncture treatment? or How much
you charge per sitting?
Answer: Treatment cost of acupuncture depends upon the number of
settings and the type of disease; usually it costs around 300 to 400 rupees per
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