Is Acupuncture Painful and Safe, Do needles hurt? Painless Acupuncture Alternatives in 2020
No more fear of pain with acupuncture needling, painless & safe acupuncture alternatives by Dr Rudresh Ph +91-7676760107 Top Medical Acupuncture Doctor in Bangalore. All Your Questions about Acupuncture Needles and Treatments Explained. Lot of people have fear and myths about acupuncture as they must have bad, painful experience with syringe needles while getting injections by nurses (IV, IM, catheterization). However, I wll assure you acupuncture needles DO NOT hurt as they are very thin (1/20th of regular syringe needles) and are inserted by skilled, trained, and experienced acupuncturist (Dr. Rudresh, MD, PhD, D.Acu, BAcu, BDS, is a medical doctor with allopathy and acupuncture background with 20 years of experience from both Indian and USA hospitals. Also, Wellness Clinic uses 100% UV sterilized and pre-packed, one-time use disposable needles, so no need to worry about any infections, bleeding, or pain. So, go ahead and take acupuncture without any fear a...